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شهادات حقيقية من العملاء في جميع أنحاء البلاد.

تجربة رائعة! كان الفريق كله محترفًا للغاية، بدءًا من مندوب المبيعات إلى عامل التركيب، كما كان القائمون على التركيب أنيقين ونظيفين للغاية، فقد تركوا منزلي نظيفًا تمامًا كما دخلوه. لقد ركّبت 3 خزائن مختلفة كليًّا وأنا سعيد جدًا بها، وكنت قد تلقّيت عروضًا من شركات خزائن أخرى، ولكن أحدًا منها لم يضاهي خزائن بلا حدود من حيث الجودة والقيمة. أوصي بخزائن بلا حدود بشدّة لأي شخص يرغب في زيادة تنظيم خزائنه


نحن فخورون جدًا بالخدمة التي نقدمها لعملائنا. في الواقع، علاقتنا مع العملاء شخصية أكثر بكثير من معظم الوكالات في مجالنا، فعلاقتنا بهم لا تبدأ عند الساعة التاسعة صباحًا وتنتهي عند السادسة مساءً، بل يظلون معنا لتلقي الخدمة الراقية التي يستحقونها دائمًا


أنا لا أثق بسهولة ،ولكن عندما أفعل، فإن ذلك بسبب خزائن بلا حدود. حبي للخزائن يزداد يومًا بعد يوم فهي تجعل حياتي أسهل بكثير


عمليتنا سهلة



اعمل مع مصمم ، وليس مندوب مبيعات ، والذي سيكشف عن رغباتك واحتياجاتك. نقيس مساحتك ونقوم بجرد ممتلكاتك من أجل إنشاء تصميم يناسبك تمامًا.



من خلال برنامج التصميم ثلاثي الأبعاد وكتب الأفكار والعينات المتوفرة لدينا ، نقوم بصياغة خطط تفصيلية عن الهيكل التنظيمي وتدفق المساحة. معًا نستكشف اختياراتنا من المواد والتشطيبات ، ونختار التعزيزات والملحقات والعناصر لإنشاء خزانة فريدة حقًا.



بمجرد الموافقة على التصميم الخاص بك ، يذهب الحرفيون لدينا إلى العمل. نقوم بتصنيع كل مكون بناءً على المواصفات الدقيقة للتصميمات الخاصة بك ، لأن "العرف" تعني البناء الفردي حسب الطلب.



خزانة أحلامك ستصبح حقيقة. في يوم التثبيت ، يمكنك توقع خدمة ودية ومهذبة وعمل سريع وخبير والاهتمام الدقيق بالتفاصيل وتنظيف شامل للمساحة.

التعاون الفردي

يبدأ كل مشروع باستشارة مجانية حول التصميم داخل المنزل.

ستعمل عن كثب مع أحد المصممين الخبراء لدينا لإنشاء تصميم شخصي مخصص حقًا يتجاوز رغباتك ويغير مساحتك. من الاستشارة الأولية إلى تاريخ التثبيت وما بعده ، يكون المصمم معك في كل خطوة على الطريق.


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    أفضل خدمة عملاء في فئتها

    Custom walk-in closets are spacious spaces that you can enter, as their name implies. They are the lords of closets made to completely satisfy all of your storage requirements.
    Any area of your home, including an unused room or an awkward corner, can be converted into a walk-in closet. Custom walk-in closets frequently include cabinets, drawers, and other storage options that are adapted to your unique requirements. Custom walk-in closets are frequently constructed close to bathrooms because they can double as changing rooms and/or makeup spaces.
    Here’s some of the top reasons to select a custom walk-in closet:

    The privacy provided by a walk-in closet is one of its greatest advantages, particularly if you have one for you and one for your partner, which is becoming more and more common in modern homes. You just need to enter and shut the entrance. In this manner, you can prepare yourself while your spouse or kids are occupied with their morning rituals in their respective spaces.

    Added Storage
    Walk-in closets offer more room for storing. Custom closet racks, cabinets, drawers, and other storage components can be added as desired. Vertical storage room can also be used to its fullest potential. Many people place unique wall cabinets and shelves to increase the amount of vertical storage.

    Easy To Clean & Organize
    Say goodbye to stuffing your wardrobe with random items once you have a walk-in closet! You can arrange all of your clothing, footwear, and accessories in a walk-in wardrobe. Without having to shift your clothing or accessories around or off the floor, you can thoroughly clean every inch of your custom-built closet when everything is neatly organised.

    Better Functionality
    A custom, walk-in closet with excellent organisation provides excellent utility and efficiency. It can be fitted with accessories like a hairdryer, mirror, and dressing table and attached to the restroom. In this manner, you can rapidly get ready each morning after taking a shower.

    Increased Home Value
    Your home’s resale worth will go up if you add one (or two) walk-in closets. While adding a custom walk-in closet to your house won’t cost as much as remodelling your kitchen, it will feel like you’ve added a room or bedroom, which will undoubtedly increase its resale value.
    The size of the space will determine the walk-in closet’s dimensions. Although there is no such thing as a standard size, we do recommend certain minimal measurements for this kind of structure. A walk-in closet must have a minimum depth of 120 centimeters, which includes 60 cm for the closet itself and 60 cm for the entranceway.

    Predicting how much space will be required to enjoy a space is essential when designing it. The criteria that are required in this situation are:

    - To be able to move around easily inside the closet, take into consideration the size of the users and their movement (anthropometry and ergonomics).
    - To use the closet properly and comfortably, you must be aware of the standard measurements of the clothing that will be kept there. This will enable you to plan how the closet will be organised and what tools will be required.
    In an attic bedroom, a walk-in closet necessitates cautious planning. Our closet furniture systems give you a variety of options, such as drawer units and standalone shelves, so you can arrange walls of any size. In an attic with beams, you have the freedom to choose between modular components attached to the wall and a system of wall-to-ceiling uprights that follow the slope of the walls. In every situation, the most crucial thing to do is to plan ahead and decide which clothing items and accessories will go at the bottom, center, and top of the closet.

    To ensure that you only buy furniture that you actually need, always keep in mind the sort of clothing you want to store (see the diagram below, “Ideal measurements for a functional walk-in closet,” which you can find in this book). Do you own a number of long coats and dresses? You need fewer shelves and more laundry rails. Do you own a number of t-shirts and sweaters? It is preferable to choose a lot of racks. Do you always dress in suits? Create a space for clothing hanging with racks for the pants or skirts and a separate space for “top parts” like shirts, blouses, knitwear, jackets, and blazers.

    Do you own a large shoe or sneaker collection? There should be a shelf in the bottom portion of the closet that is solely for shoes, potentially topped with another row of shelving to divide the shoes from the clothing.
    A set of wall-mounted panels with hooks on them that you can use to attach shelves, drawers, shirt racks, and outerwear hangers. This design may be linear, corner, attic-compatible, or have crooked corners. The walk-in closet with panels that conceal the racks is unquestionably the most opulent style. Although it only has a tiny gap (a few millimetres), the hidden rack makes it possible to shift shelves and other pieces of equipment. The wood panelling acts as a type of covered false wall that encloses the wall. We suggest hiring an expert to help with this project product, either with the planning or the assembly.

    The columns may be floor-to-ceiling or wall-to-wall (not connected to the wall). (attached to the wall). The rods can be built to order or be 3 metres tall. The column-supported modular walk-in closet is incredibly adaptable and can be built to exacting measurements in both linear and corner models. The unique adjustable feet make it perfect for a walk-in wardrobe in an attic as well. Additionally, the poles can be adjusted to accommodate uneven floor or ceiling surfaces. The shelf holders, which can be adjusted with an Allen key that is totally hidden when you look at the closet from the front, make it simple to move the shelves.

    There are numerous linear, corner, and U-shaped walk-in closets available in a range of widths. Technically speaking, there isn’t much to distinguish this from a wardrobe with doors; however, you can tell them apart by the absence of drilled holes for hinges. This wardrobe is made up of a base, a top, sides, and shelves in terms of structure. This method makes it possible to design highly functional, custom closets that are both high-end and reasonably priced. On the inside, shelves, drawers, dividers, rails, shoe racks, integrated LED lights, and more can be added to the wardrobe.

    This style of closet is available in wood or aluminium and has a frame-like border that enhances its aesthetic value rather than its usability. In comparison to some of the other choices, this wardrobe is a little more expensive. This lovely closet is ideal for big rooms where aesthetics are very important. If space is not an issue or if you don’t have any special requirements, this choice, which resembles a closet with doors, is perfect. (such as in an attic, where the closets with rods are more efficient for utilising all of the available space).
    You must seal off the walk-in closet from the rest of the room if you are placing it in an alcove or another area of the room without an entryway. You can easily choose sliding doors, doors with floor-to-ceiling rails, or doors with wall rails in place of adding a new wall. There are a number of choices on the market that come in a variety of fabrics. The doors for the custom wall wardrobe, which come in widths between 65 and 320 cm and heights up to 299 cm, are a more affordable option. You may choose to equip the closet with drawers and boxes, so as to keep your most delicate and valuable clothes protected from dust.
    While walk-in custom closets have many wonderful advantages, they also have some drawbacks, which include:

    Higher Cost
    Building a custom, walk-in closet is more costly than buying a regular wardrobe, as is the case with anything customised.

    Require More Space
    Additionally, walk-in cabinets take up more room. This is fantastic if you need the extra storage, but it’s useless if you don’t or if you just plan to throw things in it without using the added organisational capacity it offers.

    Humidity & Dampness
    If your walk-in closet is connected to your restroom, this might be a problem. For the storage of clothing and accessories, moisture from the restroom may be a problem. Fortunately, a skilled designer like Closets Unlimited can create a space with adequate ventilation and air movement to solve the problem.
    Walk-in closets are extremely useful and typically cost-effective (at least, that’s what we believe!). If you’re a neat freak, the top item on your wish list for your new house or renovated space should be a custom, lifestyle-specific walk-in wardrobe. If built properly, a custom walk-in closet can help you declutter your home by maximising every square inch of room.

    Closets Unlimited in Dubai and Abu Dhabi can assist with everything from designing, building, and installing custom closet cabinets to creating other storage solutions if you’re considering custom, walk-in closets for your house. You can get the finest closet solutions from our designers that are suited to your requirements and price range.
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