Our world is changing. Urbanization is forging ahead: half of the world’s population is already living in towns and cities – in 2050, it will be 75%.

More people mean less space for the individual – and an increasing shortage of living space requires intelligent solutions.

Custom created system solutions that make people’s everyday lives easier: innovations that people like looking at and touching – storage solutions that make living spaces more comfortable. Our solutions to make the best possible use of storage space and to make space for living from your living space.

Base Cabinets
The base cabinet it’s the foundation of every kitchen. After all, what happens under the worktop is important as what happens on top. As whether food or cooking utensils, cutlery or dishes, whether for a small student’s flat or a trendy loft – our base cabinet solutions are intelligent, versatile and flexible in order to make every day life easier.

Waste Bin Systems
Hygiene, environmental awareness and sustainability play a special role in the kitchen – especially when it comes to waste disposal. This requires system solutions, which maintain both – the cleanliness of the kitchen and a flexible separation. As a result, it’s not only your own living space that stays clean, but nature as well.

Corner Cabinets
Redefine the corner solutions. A corner cabinet is not simply a cabinet placed in a corner. With this conceptual approach, we have developed cabinet solutions that not only optimally utilize angled spaces, but instead put the corner right in the center of the kitchen experience. As a result, we open up unseen perspectives in the kitchen and allow people to experience space in a new way.

Tall Cabinets
An elegant tall cabinet is the gateway to a good kitchen life. As a storage cabinet for food or as a practical storage option for kitchen utensils, it significantly contributes to improved working efficiency and an increased quality of life. Neither narrow gaps nor small opening angles stand in the way of our top cabinet solutions.

Wall Cabinets
Taking advantage of every possible space – that is the highest imperative in the development of our top cabinet solutions. It makes no difference whether it‘s full-fledged storage for dishes or a wellarranged spice container shelf. Organization and optimal use of space support everyday work in the kitchen and make space for the beautiful things in life.

It‘s often the small things that make our lives more beautiful. Our add-on solutions are the best example of this. They provide more organization and convenience at home and complete the kitchen, turning it into a modern, cross-generational living space. After all, everyone should feel comfortable there, down to the last detail.

Our solutions adapt effortlessly to the widest variety of designs, requirements and needs. This is particularly made possible by the different shelf and color variants in which they are available. This freely combinable modular system is a response to people‘s increasing desire for individuality.